Managing sporting estates and rural conservation go hand in hand. Our teams work tirelessly to maintain a carefully balanced eco system on all of the estates to help nature thrive.
Phoines Lodge Conservation
Phoines Estate is actively managed to preserve the unique eco system of the moorland which is part of the Caledonian National Park.
The sheep that are farmed across the moor roam free and add to the rich environment.
An unobtrusive 100kW hydro scheme has been introduced to the land to help reduce emissions on the estate and increase sustainability.
MELLS PARK Conservation
Mells Park has a Higher Level Stewardship Agreement to environmentally manage the land with particular emphasis on the parkland and management of the ancient trees.
The park is home to a 200kW biomass scheme, 1.5MW solar park and 50kW solar barns all of which contribute to reduce emissions on the working farm.
Withycombe Farm Conservation
Withycombe Farm is part of an Uplands Entry Level Stewardship Scheme which leads to careful and environmental management of the land.