Phoines Lodge

exceptional driven grouse in the Highlands

Spanning 22,000 acres of the Cairngorm National Park and the Monadhliath hills, Phoines Estate is one of the finest grousemoors in Scotland. With the bulk of the drives set within five spectacular corries, each over 3,000 feet, a day spent in any one of the 200 year old grouse butts is as demanding and magnificent a day's sport as can be had anywhere in the world.



The low ground shoot , which boarders the grouse moor is equally challenging and incorporates rush valleys, birch woods and exciting varited terrain all the way down to the banks of the River Spey itself. Next season we are offering three exclusive walked up shooting pakcers:

Early Season Grouse Package

Late September of early October for two days and two nights in Phoines Lodge including one day waled up grouse (20 brace and one days rough shooting of partridge, pheasant, duck , rabbit and pigeon (30-50 head).

Mid Season Ptarmigan Package

Late October or early November for tw days and two nights in the lodge including one day ptarmigan and grouse (2 1/2 brace per gun) followed by one days rough shooting of partridge, pheasant, duck , rabbit and pigeon (30-50 head).

Late Season Special

December or January for two days rough shooting and two nights in the Lodge. Shooting will include partridge, pheasant, duck , rabbit and pigeon (30-50 head per day).